Excerpts from the Sciences of the Humane Scholar M. A. Sheikho

The research and fields of thinking of the scholar Mohammad Amin Sheikho cannot be written down in lines in order to be read; indeed, this is only to attract attention to what knowledge of the Holy Qur’an he offered and revealed to humanity. Many venerable scholars have talked about him and praised his knowledge, his deep derivations from the Holy Qur’an and his great understanding of it. They found truth and faithfulness in his mission, and found that it gathers the whole under the banner of the Holy Qur’an and the sacred Sun’na of God’s noble Envoy (cpth), so that all the hateful sectarian disputes destroying the religion of our master Mohammad (cpth) will be driven away by this guidance. this sectarianism has become a mere following of forefathers instead of a following of the Holy Qur’an.


Excerptions from the Sciences of the Humane Scholar Mohammad Amin Sheikho (His soul has been sanctified by Al’lah)

♦ Such is the habit of this Venerable Humane Scholar (His soul has been sanctified by Al’lah) concerning all what he had bestowed upon us of the endless knowledge which turn the heads and make the fronts bow glorifying and revering the meanings of the Holy Qur’an. He filled the heavens with what Al’lah the Almighty had revealed to him of the Qur’anic scientifical knowledge, for it is he who acquitted the noble prophets from all what conflicts with their perfection, impeccability and their spirit’s purity in his book (Impeccability of Prophets). As he explained their high deeds by which they deserved receiving the message of their Provider, then they became guides guided by Al’lah’s Light.

He also disproved each saying or tale that contradicts the impeccability of our Master Mohammad (cpth) in two books he had singled out about the chosen beloved-prophet Mohammad (cpth) – (the Reality of our Master Mohammad (cpth) Appears in the Twentieth Century) and (Visiting the Prophet’s Position (cpth) and the Effect of his Love in Elevating the Believed Spirit).

As he showed the position of the prophet’s pure companions which they had had justly, and their desert of holding caliphate by Al’lah, the Almighty after Master of the creatures, like our Master Abu-Bakr, who triumphed over the apostate Arabs Persians, and Romans, and our Master Omar Ibn Al-Khattab who completed the conquests, supported the orphans, and attached the ties of blood, besides the rest of the four caliphs and the honourable companions. He clarified that their belief in Al’lah the Almighty and their love to His noble messenger (cpth) is the source of their knowledge and the reason beyond their sublimity and authority over the worlds.

♦ He showed the wisdom folded in the verses of the Holy Qur’an, and hidden in every command we have been ordered by the Great and the Almighty, for he disclosed the meaning of the letters reporting in the beginning of the Fortresses, which all the Moslem scholars failed to know.

Besides his wondrous revelation of the exordium (Al-Fatiha) and the secret beyond reading it when communicating with Al’lah, which had bewildered all the scholars and the holy men.
All of that is mentioned in his book (Secrets of the Seven Praising Verses) and his book (Al-Amin Interpretation of the Great Qur’an).

♦ He derived the times of the five prayers (communicating with Al’lah) from the Holy Qur’an, and showed the wisdom behind it ‘prayer’ and the secret of turning toward the Ka’ba. As he derived the proportion of Zakat (Almsgiving) which is 2.5% from the Qur’anic verses. He explained the meaning of piety (seeing by God’s Lighty) and how to attain it in Ramadan, as he explicated the meaning of the Night of Qadr and showed the reason of revealing the Qur’an on that blessed Night.

He also revealed the secrets of the rites of pilgrimage and the wisdom beyond each ritual that the pilgrim (Hajji) performs. As he showed the way of true believing and clarified that believing in God is not attained only by saying or admitting, but it is a witnessing in its reality, manifesting the meaning of the statement: ‘I witness that there is no God but Al’lah, and I witness that Mohammad is the messenger of Al’lah’.
All of that is stated in his book: (High Schools of Seeing by God’s Light -The Jewels of Rules in Explaining the Pillars of Islam).

♦ He solved the problem of fate which puzzled the minds of scientists and philosophers of Al Muatazelah, necessitarianism, Greek and Roman, as well as the scholars and philosophers of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Besides his high understanding to the Almighty’s Saying: “…He pardons whoever wills, and torments who ever pleases…” The Holy Qur’an, Fortress (3) Al ‘Imran (The Family of ‘Imran), verse (129)

“…He misguides whoever pleases and gives guidance to whoever wills…” The Holy Qur’an,
Fortress (16) An-Nahl (The Bees), verse (93).

Showing that the will is the obedient’s who truly follows the way of believing requesting guidance and avoiding the way of perversity, seeking to reach the reality, the truth and the right religion. As he explained the freedom of choice which every man has in this life.

♦ He explained in detail the meaning of the six days mentioned in the Holy Qur’an: “Your Provider is Al’lah who created the heavens and the earth in six days then He over controlled their destiny ” The Holy Qur’an, Fortress (7) Al-A’raf (The Heights), verse (54).

As he expounded the meaning of ‘the Ten Nights’ and ‘the Seven Heavens’ which Moslem, Christian, and Jew scholars could not know. That is in his book: (The Great Scientific Discovery – The astonishing Reality of the Six Days and the Seven Heavens).

♦ He elucidated by the sound logical the great praise which God’s messenger (cpth) had deserved in A’basa Fortress (He frowned), when the noble messenger, owner of great morals frowned as Abdullah Ibn Om Mactoom had come to him, while all the interpreters put God’s messenger (cpth) in the wrong position when interpreting the beginning of this noble Fortress.

♦ He clarified the meanings of all the Fortresses reporting in Am’ma Part of the Qur’an and explained the word (Am’ma) in inimitable detail in his book (Interpretation of Am’ma Part of the Qur’an).

♦ He also showed the reality and the compassion folded in the case of polygamy reporting in the beginning of Al-Nesa’ Fortress (Women) when he solved this problematic case and refuted each saying that causes Islam to look as a lustful religion by allowing man to marry four women without returning to the noble verse reading it as a whole and scrutinizing its course.

♦ For Moslem is not permitted to marry more than one woman, but as for marrying the second, third, and fourth one, it is not allowed except within the conditions reported in the beginning of the noble verse and have been neglected and put out of use. The noble verse stipulates that the woman should be widow and has orphans, so the purpose beyond polygamy is a humane and lofty one, it is to keep the widows and bring up the orphans then to build a sound society, and it is not a spiritual lustful one as many people interpret and put the verse into effect without returning to the beginning of it, and by that, they have drawn bad reputation on Islam and Moslems for religion has turned to be a lustful, not a humane one in their eyes, because of polygamy.

♦ He also revealed the laws of divorce deriving them form the Holy Qur’an, and the way of fulfilling these stipulations and rules in case of recalcitrance (on the part of the wife) and rising of discord between the two mates. All of that is stated in his book: (Islam! What for veil is? What for divorce is? And what for more than one wife is?).

♦ He elucidated the Almighty’s aim beyond creating the creatures, and the reason of creating man and his coming to this world where he indicated Al-Azal World, the first creating, offering the trust and undertaking of man to bear it.

♦ He also answered the puzzling question, which is, why are prophets born as prophets? And what base the Almighty depends on so that He decides them to be prophets and noble messengers before they are born?

♦ He explained the Godly justice and demonstrated it in lofty logic, as he showed the reason of poverty, sickness, afflictions, and all what may befall man in this world of good or evil, besides, he stated the elements which man is composed of in a noticeable explanation, where he spoke about the difference between the soul and the spirit, and between the thought and the mind revealing the quiddity of each. That was when the famous British scholar Sir John G. Bennett professed Islam at the hands of him as he (Sir John) went to him to ask him his questions which were difficult for him and for all other scientists and scholars.

The meeting was in Damascus city where Sir John G. Bennett asked him important questions and inquired about all what crossed his mind concerning Islam and its pillars, and about fasting, pilgrimage, Zakat (alms-giving) and the wisdom beyond each until the scholar asked him saying: Have you, Sir, known the source of the water you drink?
Sir John G. Bennett replied that the rain water are the main source of drinking water. Then the scholar replied him saying that the rain water are for plants and animals, and he revealed to him with the cogent evidence the sources of spring water in the whole world deriving his demonstration from the Holy Qur’an, and that running of the big and small rivers on the surface of the earth is not ascribed at all to the rain water, a reply which is something unknown by any of the eastern and western scientists.
Rather! It is a great scientific miracle, which tells that the water of these springs has greater and more opulent sources than the rain water, for the scholar demonstrated with more than thirty scientific evidences derived from the noble verses that the ice of the north and south poles is the source of water of all the springs, and when Sir Bennet heard such research from him and discussed with him about it, he immediately confessed Islam and said: ‘I wonder how this question has never crossed my mind before!’
And when he returned to his country, he said his famous words before a crowd of scientists and educated professors: ‘Indeed, all what we have obtained of the sciences, do not equal the sea of sciences of that Great Scholar in the Orient’.

♦ He showed the wisdom behind circumcision for males, and the reason for which the Almighty has created this glans while the male embryo is in his mother’s womb, then the wisdom behind cutting it after birth. This discovery of the scholar is unprecedented by any of the doctors of this time nor by those of all the previous ages. All of that is mentioned in his book: (A Researches on Discoveries of Circumcision Mystery).

♦ He saved the cattle when he showed the use of mentioning Al’lah’s Name over them when being slaughtered, by pronouncing the statement: ‘In the Name of God, Al’lah is Greater’, and clarified that when these cattle hear such great statement when performing the slaughter, their whole blood runs and their bodies shake so that all the blood is released from the carcass and nothing of it remains inside their meat, and by that, the Almighty grants us pure fresh meat, free from any germ. And on the contrary, the germs will remain inside the carcass over which the name of Al’lah was not mentioned so that the one who eats from it will be objected to suffer from diseases. Besides, neglecting mentioning Al’lah’s Name over cattle will also expose them to be afflicted with deadly and incurable diseases.

♦ The scholar had derived all of that from the Qur’anic verses, and when his speech was subjected to a medical study, a laboratory medical team composed of masters of Medicine and laboratory in the Middle East have executed analysis for cattle slaughtered with mentioning Al’lah’s Name over them, and others without this was done, then the results have come out precisely like what the scholar had said, i.e. colonies of germs and viruses remain inside the carcass over which Al’lah’s Name was not mentioned.
This scientific tidings was transmitted by broadcastings, magazines, newspapers, satellites and news agencies warning people of neglecting mentioning Al’lah’s Name over cattle, but… alas! Though that many people kept ignoring mentioning Al’lah’s Name over them and as a result, the world was smitten by Mad Cow Disease, Bird Flu, and Sheep Plague the matter which the scholar had warned of according to the Almighty’s saying: “…and there are cattle over which they do not pronounce the Name of Al’lah, thus inventing a lie about Him. They will be punished for these lies.” The Holy Qur’an, Fortress (6) Al-An’am (Livestock), verse (138).
All of that is mentioned in his book: (Al’lah is Greater, Be Kind to Animal).

♦ He revived the sacred prophetic Sunna after the books of the ancient had effaced it, when he drove away the incurable diseases by animating the Sunna of cupping. He clarified its safe and correct conditions saying that it must be performed exclusively on the upper part of the back, in the early morning, without having breakfast, in the spring season, and when the crescent decreases, viz, after the seventeenth day of the lunar month, for the moon has a pull of gravitation effect on the earth.

A big medical team composed of about (350) professors and doctors in the Middle East has studied this operation according to its correct conditions shown by the scholar during three consecutive years, then the outcomes were amazing in the medical circles and there has been an increasing interest in it from year to year until it has spread all over the world because of its great benefits.

Reports of thanks and gratitude followed incessantly by all the world countries thanking him who had recreated this useful technique and all the people, Moslem or not Moslem, have practiced it after they had verified its benefits. All of that is mentioned in his book: (The Marvelous Medicine that Cured Heart Disease, Cancer, Paralysis, and Migraine – Cupping, A prophetic Medical Science in its New Perspective).

Most of the news agencies and the world satellites have broadcasted it, magazines and journals have talked about it, conferences and sessions have been held to discuss it, besides many international medical and hygienic centers… have adopted it seeking its many benefits, for it is a medical vade-mecum containing all cure in one wielded slit from a scalpel.

♦ He also unveiled the reality of charlatans, jugglers, and magicians who work together with devils to cause harm to people through magic, and he explained all the tricks and the imaginary actions which the magicians do to people who know nothing about the reality of magic, such as telling of the false unseen matters as a whole, revealing that it is a close cooperation between the enchanters and the devilish companions. This matte has circulated among most of people in this world to the extent that you can hardly find a home free form these tricks and cunning of the magicians, or from distress and grief resulted from believing the herald of devil, specially those magicians who appear to people through satellites and talk to them about their affairs and diseases then the viewer or the one who phones them believes them unknowing that the magician colludes with his devilish companion to bring him his news.
As he offered the solution and showed the way leading to be released and cured from this spiritual diseases without resorting to any of people, specially those who allege treating people through spells or through reading verses of the Holy Qur’an though they, in fact, know nothing. All of that is clarified in his book: (Unveiling the Secrets of the Magicians’ Sciences).

♦ He described man’s state when death in both cases: when he is a believer or unbeliever, and elucidated his state after death, during the interval between death and the Day of Resurrection.
As he explained the verses relating to account on the Day of Resurrection, and clarified that man’s deeds are imprinted on the pages of his spirit in this world so that on the doomsday they shall obviously appear to him.

♦ He revealed the reality of paradise, which is, looking at the Presence (the Enlightening Face) of the Generous Provider, Owner of Honouring, beauty and majesty, demonstrating that all what man obtains of pleasures, honouring and bliss is below that lofty Paradise. He proved his saying by logical evidences derived from the Holy Qur’an.

♦ He also clarified that fire, on the Day of Resurrection is as a hospital where owners of spiritual diseases are treated because of what they bring with them from their lower life of the mean deeds which degrade them before Al’lah, the Almighty, so that their shame and disgrace causes them to request fire (the treating) in order to escape from what they suffer of the spiritual pains and spiritual burning that destroy them greatly. God’s messenger (cpth) says: “shame will adhere to man on doomsday until he says: oh, my Provider, Your sending me to Fire is easier than what I am suffering, though he knows the great torture in it”.
All of that is mentioned in his book: (Interpretation of the Great Qura’n) and his book: (Al-Amin Interpretation of the Great Qurr’an).

♦ He revealed the reality of intercession, which most of the scholars failed to reach, where they thought it an intercession of unjust mediating through which the noble messenger (cpth) gets whoever he likes out of fire, the matter which incites people to commit sins hoping to be interceded on the doomsday, so he clarified through the verses of the Holly Qur’an that intercession is got only by the believer and it begins from this world and lasts for him to the afterlife, and that intercession is binding of a spirit to another, derived from the world (couple), which indicates a thing binds to another and couples with it adhering to it. Intercession then, is binding of the believing spirits to the messenger’s (cpth) and coupling with him so as to ascend them to the Godly Presence, as the spirits of the honourable companions bound up to and coupled with his pure chaste spirit (cpth) entering into God’s through him, so they accompanied him in this world, in the interval between death and doomsday, and shall keep accompanying him in the hereafter.

♦ He, who does not couple with God’s messenger (cpth) in this world, will have no intercession in the life to come, yet, it will be no more than hopes of which they indulge their spirits so as to allow themselves committing forbidden things, for the Holy Qur’an as a whole warns man of the consequences of his deeds, and informs him that he will be recompensed for the whit of his action, either with goodness in Paradise, or with getting treatment in Fire.

Besides, it (the Holy Qur’an) indicates that God’s messenger (cpth) has nothing to do for a creature except admonishing, yet, he can drive nothing to his noble spirit: “Say: I have not the power to acquire benefits or to avert evil for myself…” The Holy Qur’an, Fortress (10) Yunus (Jonah), verse (49).
“Say: I have no control over any good or evil that befalls you.” The Holy Qur’an, Fortress (72) Al-Jinn (The Jinn), verse (21).
“It is the day when a spirit has nothing to do for another and Al’lah then will reign supreme.” The Holy Qur’an, Fortress (82) Al-Infitar (Bursting Apart), verse (19).
“Can you save those who have rightly earned punishment and are doomed to the fire?” The Holy Qur’an, Fortress (39) Az-Zumar (The Groups), verse (19).

♦ He also showed the reality of our father Adam’s descent from Paradise, the reason beyond his eating from the tree, and the state in which he and our mother ha’wa’ (ptt) were before eating from the tree, and that his great love to his Provider had led him to forget the Godly Advice and eat from the tree. All the going on was by an arrangement of Al’lah, the Almighty, so as to let our father Adam (cpth) out of Paradise, and to give him instead of it, together with his offspring, Paradises besides to show him with his sons the enmity of devil in order for man to know that he has an enemy who lurks to him, then to beware of him and follow the guidance of his Provider by Whom the noble prophets were guided and thereby, he will be preserved from committing sins and form controlling of the devil over him.

♦ He is, as well, the first one who has revealed the reality of believing and the straightway leading to it which the Holy Qur’an has stated, and all the noble messengers and prophets followed.

♦ He manifested the reason behind mentioning the tale of the Israelites (Sons of Israel) frequently in the Holy Qur’an and their arguing with their noble messenger, our Master Moses (pth), clarifying that if man does not follow the way of faith legislated to him by the Almighty, he will profit nothing from watching miracles and super-natural actions, nor will he be one of the believers whatever you bring him of the signs and cogent evidences, but indeed seeking the truth honestly and employing the thought in searching for it is that which guides the spirit and leads it to the sources of real knowledge.
All of that is mentioned in his book: (Al-Amin Interpretation of the Great Qur’an).

♦ As he clarified all the indications of the Hour, and the evidences of returning of the Messiah Master (cpth) from the Holy Qur’an in this book between our hands.

All of that is a drop of an ocean of what this Great Humane Scholar had revealed, for the researches and the fields of thinking cannot be written down in lines in order to be read, but indeed, it is only to attract attention to what he had offered and revealed to mankind of the knowledge of the Holy Qur’an.

Many venerable scholars have talked about him and praised his knowledge, his deep deriving from the Holy Qur’an and his great understanding to it. They found trueness and faithfulness in his mission, and that it gathers the whole under the banner of the Holy Qur’an and the sacred Sunna of God’s noble messenger (cpth) so that all the hateful sectarian disputes destroying the religion of our Master Mohammad (cpth) will be driven away by this guidance. These sectarianisms have become mere following of the forefathers instead of following the Holy Qur’an, where the one nation has been divided into many ones and turned away from the right way parted into sects and parties, each party is pleased with its own false beliefs. The interpolator ones deceived them by what they had filled their books with mistakes, infringements, and interpretations contradicting Al’lah’s Attributes and the noble prophets’ perfection, then Moslem lost his way and sank into the sea of disagreement of sects and parties, and he abstained from religion and inclined to this lower life because of them.

Dr. Mostafa Mahmood said that: ‘the Holy Qur’an was deserted before the knowledges of this Great Scholar, for his scientifical knowledge is received from Al’lah and his revelation is logical. I have never found , during all my life, one word like his at another one’.

Dr. Mostafa has appropriated a special book about him under the title of: (Contemplations in the Sciences of the Great Eminent Scholar Mohammad Amin Sheikho ‘God has made his secret sacred’).

“Praise Be to God; Provider of the Worlds”